Sexy aunty banged by the hotel manager

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This sexy aunty shows so much frustration to the hotel staffs all the time she makes a complaint. They had a hell of a time with this lady. Finally, she yells at someone and asks them to bring the hotel manager. He comes to her room all by himself with some complimentary goodies. But she did not show any interest at all. Instead, she asks him to have sex with her and she would not make it a big issue.Since she looks extremely hot, he feels lucky secretly. He agrees and takes off his clothes. Then, he removes her outfit and makes her kneel on the bed. He pushes his penis into the butt and starts to fuck her in the doggy style. She moans aloud and looks at her breasts hanging.  He cums inside at last and she rushes to clean herself.
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Tags:Aunty, Anal Sex, Hotel, Sexy Aunty
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