Flashing dick to my hot desi maid

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I have seen my maid looking at me very strangely lately. She did not feel very happy about her married life for sure. I have learned that from other sources and I wanted to make her feel like a woman. But I did not have if she really have any interest in terms of sex. So, at first, I had to make sure if she wanted this kind of relationship.Hence, that day, I went to the washroom before she comes home. I knew very well that she would mob the bathroom floor a first. I took off my clothes and started to stroke my penis. It has become hard now. When she knocked on the door, I opened it flashing dick to her. She did not leave the place seeing me like that. But instead, she came inside and kept mobbing for a long time and had a good look at the junk before leaving.
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Tags:Maid, Handjob, Horny, Seduction
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