Naked selfie video of a hot desi girl

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My hot teen girlfriend wanted to have a chat with me on one afternoon. But that felt strange. She never called me in the afternoon since she would sleep normally at that time. Even while talking, her voice turned husky and I understood that she indeed felt horny at that time. Now, I have the perfect chance to see some things which she would refuse normally. So, I asked her to show me her bathing session.She told that she could not do that practically. But I reminded her about the selfie stick I bought her and so, I wanted to see the naked selfie for the first time. That too staring my girlfriend. She agreed and came to the bathroom. She exposed her whole breasts and a portion of her hot ass. Then, after rubbing her cunt a couple of times, she turned on the shower to make her body wet.
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Tags:Shower, Hot Ass, Hot Tits, Selfie
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