Sexy teen from college stripping

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I come from a village. But somehow I managed to get an admission in a reputed college in the city. I have never seen any girl wearing short clothes in my village. But here, pretty much all the girls wear a short outfit and that made me lose my concentration. Soon, one of the hot girls in my class befriended me. We used to share everything in our personal lives. So, when I came across the word striptease, I asked her the meaning. But that sexy teen told me that she would show what it meant after reaching her home.That night, I had a video message from her. She just wore track pants and a sweat t-shirt. Slowly, she removed her clothes in a seductive way. I could not believe that a hot chick stood without any clothes on her just for me. Slowly, she started to dance and spread her legs to display her shaved cunt. She touched her and there which made me cum at that instant.
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