Chubby neighbor aunty banged by my brother

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We stay in a home in Chennai. A hot Mallu family moved into the neighborhood recently. The hot milf looked a bit chubby but she also looked very seductive. We both loved her a lot. So, we had a challenge about who would fuck her first. Well, when I went out for some reason, my brother used that opportunity. He took her to the bedroom and both started to have a naughty conversation. Then, he starts to strip this neighbor aunty.Then, she did the same. She removed her underwear and lied on the bed. Soon, he came to her crotch and kneeled on the floor. He started to lick her cunt which she enjoyed. After a while, he stood and came towards her face. He lied beside her and started to suck her hot nipples after showing off the camera he had fixed to show me later.
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