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This virgin teen works as a maid to a rich man. He has a habit of seducing good looking girls and having sex with them. Since he likes his maid a lot, he wanted to try his luck on her. So, whenever she comes to his room to serve something, he would start to flirt with her. One day, she too feels horny and waits for the day when he bangs her. Finally, she comes to his room when he stays alone in his home. Watch this sexy Indian teen fucked brutally by him with her permission.He keeps the plate aside and asks her if he could have sex with her. She did not say anything but shows her blushing face. Soon, he makes her lie on the bed and takes off her clothes. Then, he spreads her legs wide apart to have an easy access to her love hole. He inserts his big penis inside her tight pussy and fucks her hard.
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