Hot Shimla bhabhis pussy fucking clip

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This hot bhabhi owns a luxurious wooden house in Shimla along with her husband. They would rent it for the tourist. But this hot bhabhi has a unique way of earning money without her husband’s knowledge. When he leaves the cottage to buy something, she would approach all the tourists for sex. She would tell the price and they would bang her and pay her later. So, this bhabhis pussy would be busy all the time.Once, she asks a tourist and he said that he would come to her room soon. So, she takes off her clothes and covers her with the blanket waiting for him. When he comes to her room, he just pulls the blanket from her bottom and spreads her legs. Soon, he inserts his tongue into her pussy and starts to eat them. Finally, he comes up and inserts his dick in the same place and bang her hard.
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