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The husband is in the mood for some kinky sex tonight. So he decides to unleash some of his wild fetishes when he is about to make love to his wife. He makes his wife wear a blindfold.After that he asks his wife to play with his dick. The wife is blindfolded and can not see a thing so she bumps against the dick and gets dick slapped. The wife then puts the dick in her mouth and start sucking on it like a candy.Blindfolded aunty gives bjThe husband comes behind her and sits on her face so that his balls hang low near her mouth. The wife opens her mouth and the starts to lick and suck on the balls of her husband while stroking his penis with her other hands. The husband is about to cum but the wife presses his balls in her mouth thus delaying his ejaculation.After that the husband comes in front and starts fucking her boobs. The aunty presses her boobs from both the sides and the husband starts fucking her in the boobs. Finally the husband can not take the excitement no more and starts relieving his cum on her boobs.
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