Pussylick action on friend’s hot wife

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What would one feel when smelling pussy and doing pussylick action? How his adrenaline and heart pumps? Watch this video to see how this guy gets lucky in driving his friend’s hot wife for sex! He enhanced her mood with pussylick and many stimulating moves that made her hot and horny. He made his friend’s sexy hot wife erotic with his moves and he did not rush up with everything. Even with fuck, he was slow and steady.His moves on her had made her to moan a lot. This hot and sexy wife enjoyed her husband’s friend doing pussylick, fingering, and fucking. How she got seduced by her hubby’s friend? Her husband’s friend danced with her during a night out party while her husband was busy on the phone. That night he kept his hand on her hip and ass to caress. He even kissed her neck and tried to induce her sexual mood. She realized that he wanted her for sex. His descent approach and seducing moves made her to accompany him for sex.Steady sexual arousal through pussylickSteady sexual arousal through pussylick was the beginning of this sexual arousal after this sexy housewife’s boobs got pressed and sucked. Her soft medium sized breasts with brownish nipples had made him to press those strongly. Then he moved to her pussy. Her pussy aroma and hairy pussy had made him naughty enough.Look at the way he sucked her cunt and did pussylick in this video! Sexy!!! Every guy would have that fantasy to do. He then took her in front of him in sitting position and his hands played upon her cunt and boobs. One hand pressed her breast and the other hand fingered her cunt. He did not rush with those and even in fucking. He fucked her slow and steadily…
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