Teenage young guy fondles married auntie boobs

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A teenage young guy has an affair with a married auntie in his colony. The married auntie is not satisfied with her husband and the guy has a much longer dick then her husband and also has much more stamina than her husband.The auntie and her young lover often meet each other whenever the husband has gone. The husband one weekend goes to Chennai on a business trip and the auntie calls her young lover over to her place as she was alone.Teenage young guy affair with married auntieThe guy started kissing her as soon as he came over to her place. The guy then started removing her clothes and lied next to her on the bed. The guy started kissing her ears and her neck as the cheating auntie started to get turned on. He then started rubbing his erect dick on her ass over her panties as he continued dry humping her.The guy then started to press and squeeze her boobs. The young guy started kissing her boobs and licking her back, neck and her boobs. He started sucking on her nipples. Then the guy took his hand to the auntie’s pussy and started rubbing her pussy over her panties. He then inserted one hand in her panties and started rubbing and fingering her pussy as he fondled her boobs with his other hand.
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Tags:Cheating, Foreplay, Huge Boobs, Teen, Wife
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