Gay blowjob and cum swallowing for first time

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As a gay I have been feeling horny all day. Either it is the loneliness or the fact that I was away from my wife for a long time and I cannot put my cock somewhere to satisfy it. Regardless, I have been looking forward all afternoon to a good shower and jacking off to relieve the tension.In the meantime my room partner came inside with his dick hard and I could tell he was serious. I pulled it out of his shorts and started stroking it. How different it felt to stroke a cock, but not feel my own cock being the one that’s stroked. This was the first time that I’d ever done this, so it was really weird, but a lot of fun. It felt just as hard as mine, and about the same size as mine, but it felt so much different than mine. This was great.My first thrilling go at Gay blowjobAfter a few minutes, he asked him if I wanted to give him a Gay blowjob. I told him I didn’t care; I could if he wanted to. So I leaned over, opened my mouth and licked around his dick. I slid it into my mouth. I could only get about half of it in, but I sure was having fun.I continued giving him the best Gay blowjob that I could give. It only took about a minute longer when he cried out that he was going to cum. I started to panic not knowing what I was going to do, but almost immediately I decided that I should just swallow it, that way there would be no mess to clean up. It was a good thing I was quick with my decision, because he was just about as quick. I swallowed with every squirt. Load after load went down my throat.
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Tags:Blowjob, Gay, Indian
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