Chennai babe in hotel

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Hot chennai babe gets invited to a vip suite in a chennai hotel. Her boyfriend is waiting anxiously for her. She goes to the vip suite and starts chatting with her friend and drinking whiskey with soda.After they both get drunk they start casual flirting with each other and touching each other. The boy gets excited and horny and starts undressing his girlfreind. After that the guy starts giving her oral sex.Drunk babe has fun in hotelThe guy removes her panties and starts licking her pussy lips and clitoris. The girl gets excited and starts moaning. The guy responds by pressing his mouth on her pussy and pentrating her pussy with his touch while stroking her clit with this left thumb.The girl starts moaning loudly and leaks all other pussy jiuices and the guy starts drinking all her juices. after that he makes her lie face down and fucks her pussy with his big black cock
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Tags:Boobs, Cunt, Desi, Girlspussy, Indian, Oral
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