Desi hottie fucking herself with her fingers

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I wanted to talk to my hot girlfriend after a long time. I do a business and she studies at a college. Due to some work related reason, I had to stay in a remote village for a week. I could not make a video call to her my girlfriend then. She missed me a lot like missed her. So, as soon as I reached home, I made a video call to her. But she had some guests at her home. She did not want to miss that opportunity. So, this desi hottie rushed to her washroom and locked the door. Then, she made a video call to surprise me. She did not wear any clothes on her at that time. With the phone showing her clearly, she sat on the floor. Soon, she spread her legs and inserted her finger into her cunt. She started to finger fuck herself until she could feel the cum. That made me horny and made a plan to fuck her that night.
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