Sexy bhabhi sharing an erotic video of her masturbation

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My sexy bhabhi would do anything to make me happy. She had settled in the USA and she still she loves me a lot. Whenever my brother leaves for his office, she would make a video call and show her whole nude body. I love her big boobs so much. One day, I asked her to do some piercing on her nipples and cunt like I saw in a porn. She did not reply. She did that apparently and she tried to do make a video call. Since I have slept off, she shared with me this video. She wore a crosset. She did not wear anything else and that made her look like a hot chick. Soon, she removed it to show her big boobs with the pierced nipples. After taking off all the clothes, she lied on the bed. Only when she spread her legs to finger fuck her shaved pussy, I noticed the piercing in the cunt as well. So, after the masturbation, she told me that she missed me a lot and she forgot where she put the sex toys. She also added that she had to pack her bags since she was naked.
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