Black Indian cock fucks white lady

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This white lady who is on a tourist visit finds a travel guide who will take her places and show her things she has never experienced before. Indian guy fucks white lady hard Wanting to experience everything desi while she is here, this white lady has invited her travel agent to her room. Obviously attracted to her as well, he goes up and when she makes her intentions clear, he is ever ready to jump on the chance to bang this hot female. He enters his big, black cock into her pussy and begins to fuck her. He then takes her in doggystyle. He holds her by the waist he fucks her with raw power. She teases his balls as he continues to fuck her from behind. It is not long before, he makes her lie down, spread eagle and bangs her brains out. Her legs are spread wide so he can reach the innermost and deepest depths of her willing cunt and making sure she had a very memorable journey.
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