Maid fucked by Owner

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  This hot, dusky Indian maid is working for a foreign employer. Enamored by her beauty, he decides that he must have her service him in more ways that one. Hot Maid taken by her Master   It’s been a long day of work and so this maid decides to rest on the bed for a little while. Her foreign employer who has not seen such a beauty before decides that he must use her fully. Moving her gown up, exposing her naked pussy, he pushes his erect cock into his maid’s unprepared pussy. She screams in pain at first but those are slowly turned into pleasurable groans as he keeps thrusting his cock into her. He then takes out her big, soft boob squeezing it hard before sucking on that dark, hard nipple. He continues to plough her as she resists him ever so slightly. He pushes her down and shows her, her place. Having felt up her fleshy thighs and big ass, he turns her over and prepares to fuck her from behind. Not ready for such a pounding, she protests but is quickly forced into accepting his cock. That glorious asshole is begging to be entered and he obliges by pushing his dick deep into his maid’s asshole. Motoring into her and hard and fast, it is not long before the maid has served him well to the end.
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