Punjabi Girl Boobs Pressed In Moving Bus By Boyfriend

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A hot Indian Punjabi girl gets her boobs pressed in a bus with her boy friend. One day the boy friend and the girl friend are going some place in a bus and soon as the bus moves around people start getting down and their’s is the last stop.The boy friend and his girl friend are sitting at the last seats on the end of the bus and the couple start fooling around with each other and the boy friend starts flirting with his girl friend. The girl friend also gets aroused and flirts back.Punjabi Girl Boobs Pressed BY Lover In BusThe bus soon gets almost empty and the couple start playing around with each other’s bodies. The boy friend starts pressing his girl friend’s boobs and presses and squeezes them and the girl friend also horny by now because of her boy friend starts rubbing his dick over his pants and soon the boy friend starts taking her sweater off and then presses her boobs over her t shirt.Then the boy friend inserts his hand in her top and starts fondling her boobs and takes her boobs out and starts pressing them and pulling on the nipples. The girl friend has huge boobs and the nipples are erect as the boy friend is playing around with her boobs and the girl friend starts moaning in pleasure as the boy friend seduces her.
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